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Results: 101 Articles found.
  • President's Perspective: Introducing Interim CEO, Stacey Barnes

    Apr 10, 2023 03:30 PM

    On behalf of the AUGS Board, I would like to officially introduce our Interim CEO, Stacey Barnes, as well as provide additional information on our staff leadership transition plan.

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  • President's Perspective: 2023

    Jan 31, 2023 01:13 PM

    You may remember from recent AUGS communications that our volunteer terms are now linked to the calendar year, beginning in January, and ending in December. Given this, I’d like to thank each and every volunteer whose term has just ended. Your commitment, service, and hard work have made such a difference in every facet of the organization.

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    President's Perspective: 2022 Recap

    Dec 15, 2022 09:50 AM

    In addition to Board nominations, this is also the time of year when we issue a call for committee volunteers. AUGS has over 250 volunteers who commit their time and talent to our organization through their service on the Board, committees, writing groups, and the Urogynecology journal. The deadline for the call for volunteers is August 12.

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    President's Perspective: AUGS/IUGA Scientific Meeting 2022

    Apr 08, 2022 03:59 PM

    As the AUGS/IUGA joint meeting approaches, I’d like to address our board’s decision to meet in Austin. It has been nearly seven months since Texas signed into law Senate Bill 8 (SB 8), which applies significant restrictions on abortions, impacting reproductive healthcare for women and exposing healthcare providers to litigation risk. The contract for the AUGS/IUGA joint meeting was signed in 2019 long before the actions of the Texas state leadership.

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    Congress Addresses Medicare Payment Cuts and Government Funding to Avert a Shutdown Before Adjourning for the Year

    Dec 15, 2021 01:27 PM

    On December 10th President Biden signed into law S. 610, “Protecting Medicare and American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act”, which Congress approved hours earlier addressing the looming 9% Medicare payments cuts scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2022. The legislation also provided a legislative pathway for the Senate to raise the debt ceiling limit. The bill includes the following Medicare provisions:​

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    Tell Congress to Stop the Medicare Cuts: Congressional Action Still Needed Before the End of This Year!

    A Continuing Resolution (CR) to avoid a government shutdown and provide current level funding for federal programs through February 18th was approved by Congress on December 2nd, just a day before the previous CR was set to expire at midnight December 3rd.

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    President's Perspective: Looking Ahead and Hoping for A Return to a Normal 2022

    Nov 16, 2021 12:56 PM

    The last month has brought to mind a phrase from American critic, Dorothy Parker, “What fresh hell is this!” Who of us could have imagined this ending to 2021 that started with such hope with the COVID-19 vaccine? I, like most of you, am setting realistic goals for this new year and learning to embrace uncertainty. To help us continue navigating during this difficult time, AUGS is also evolving its programs and activities.

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    President's Perspective: Seeking Your Nominations for the Raymond E. Lee Lectureship

    Nov 16, 2021 12:56 PM

    While PFD Week 2021 is only 30 days past, AUGS volunteers and staff are already starting to prepare for our AUGS/IUGA 2022 Joint Scientific Meeting in June. An important part of our meeting is the recognition of our outstanding teachers/surgeons and research coordinators.

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Results: 101 Articles found.