This document outlines the guidelines for a Grant Reviewer to follow.
Grant Reviewer Roles and Responsibilities
The main role of the GR is to evaluate and score grant applicants who are carrying out the mission of the grant program. The GR works closely with the Grant chair and abides by following regulations:
- Diligently serve as a reviewer for the assigned grant cycle
- Effectively provide feedback and input on the applicant assigned
- Actively participate on communications and conference call as needed
- Assure adherence to the Conflict of Interest Policy
- Attend Annual Conference Grant Luncheon and other associated grant committee events
Conflict of Interest Policy
All elected officials, committee chairs and committee members shall exercise good faith in all transactions impacting on their duties and responsibilities with the Grant Review Cycle. They shall not use these positions, or knowledge gained as a result of these positions, to cause a conflict between the interest of Grant Review Cycle and that of the individual, a relative, or any other organization with which they are affiliated.
Disclosure Statement
I hereby acknowledge that, as a Reviewer of the AUGS Foundation Grant Review Committee, I occupy a position of trust and that I am expected to act at all times in good faith and with loyalty to the Society. I have read the above Conflict of Interest Policy and support its intent. I declare that if any private interest of mine of any individual or entity with whom or with which I have a significant relationship conflicts with my duties and responsibilities to the Society, I shall voluntarily disclose that conflict.
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, no aspect of my current personal or professional circumstances places me in the position of having a private interest which is in conflict with any interest of the Society or with my obligations to the Society, except perhaps the following:
- Serving as a current mentor of grant applicant (Grant Reviewer shall not review or comment on applicant’s application)
- Belonging to the same institution/department as the grant applicant
I acknowledge my continuing obligation to report to the Grant Review Committee promptly and in writing on any possible conflict of interest which comes to my attention in the future.