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Results: 102 Articles found.
  • Holly-E-Richter

    President's Perspective: AUGS Launches New Corporate Council

    Apr 01, 2021 10:46 AM

    I think that we have all been ready for the coming of spring with an extra hour of sunlight in most parts, the budding of flowers and trees, and making plans for spring break. Hopefully, as we get deeper into this season and looking forward to summer, we see less of tornados and other storm destruction that has recently occurred. I hope that you are all keeping safe in this regard.

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  • Holly-E-Richter

    Cheers to a New Year and Excitement for 2021

    Dec 30, 2020 06:08 PM

    For most of us, this past year has been like no other with challenges to both our home and work lives.​

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  • Menefee

    AUGS Diversity and Inclusion Task Force Call for Volunteers

    Jul 07, 2020 03:00 PM

    After my President’s Perspective on racial equity and diversity, AUGS received numerous letters expressing thoughts on our sub-specialty history, member concerns, and the health care disparities related both to our patients and research within our field. I was able to listen and talk with many members and this was a powerful experience for me personally and confirmed the need for all of us to make sure that AUGS is a welcoming society for all our members.

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  • Menefee

    Call for Volunteers and Board Nominations

    Jun 02, 2020 12:50 PM

    We are making our annual Call for Volunteers and Board Nominations to move our Society forward. Now more than ever we need our members to engage and participate in AUGS. It is in large part because of the numerous committed volunteers over the years that AUGS and our specialty are where we are today.​

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  • Joint Statement on Re-introduction of Hospital and Office-based Procedures in the COVID-19 Climate for the Practicing Urogynecologist and Gynecologist

    Apr 29, 2020 04:49 PM

    Traditionally, surgical procedure prioritization depends on illness acuity and resource availability after shared decision making with patients. During an emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic, decisions must take into consideration new influences on the safety of benign gynecologic procedures. Prioritization of patients must be fluid as the pandemic waxes and wanes and is likely different in the peaks than the troughs of infection incidence.

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Results: 102 Articles found.